Kom Ombo Temple

  • DSC01353  Prisoners with the cartouche (the oval below them with heiroglyphics) of the country they represent.  The Pharaoh is boasting about the number of countries he has conquered.
  • DSC01357  The Pharaoh receiving a gift from the God Horus.
  • DSC01359  The Egyptian calendar describing what to do for each week of the year; when to plant when to expect the floods, when to harvest, etc...
  • DSC01361  An example of the ceiling, protected from the sun, the colors survived much better than the walls.
  • DSC01364  The Goddess Isis demonstrating the correct use of the birthing chair.  In the center is a display of the medical tools used by the Egyptians with descriptions for their use.
  • DSC01368  Another relief at Kom Ombo.  Here you can see how the relief was carved into a thin layer "plastered" over the stone wall.  This technique is not a durable as carving into the stone itself, but much easier.
  • DSC01370  Kom Ombo Temple was, in part, dedicated to Sobek - the crocodile god.  Here is the pit where crocodiles were raised.  This is also a Nilometer to watch the level of the NIle to predict the approaching flood.
  • DSC01372  Another view of the Nilometer, you can see the lower staircase, accessed from inside the temple, where the priests would bring food to the crocodiles in the pit.
  • DSC01373  Carvings describing various medical conditions.
  • DSC01374  A wall at Kom Ombo.
  • DSC01375  This relief shows Horus and Thoth pouring the signs of life and power over the pharaoh. Horus is the falcon headed god, who is the pharaoh's protector. The ibis headed god is Thoth, the god of knowledge.  Sobek, the crocodile god, is on the far left.
  • DSC01377  Sobek watching the Pharaoh being presented with the double crown of Egypt, repsenting the union of Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • DSC01378  An ornate, intact, portion of the ceiling showing the Egyptian vulture on a blue background representing the sky.
  • DSC01379  The Goddess Isis touching an Ankh to the mouth of the Pharaoh, bringing him life.
  • DSC01381  More detail and color on a portion of the roof.  Notice the grooves on the pillar, this was done to imitate the papyrus used in the original pillars.
  • DSC01382  Huge carving on a pillar.  The skirt shown here indicated that he is of high rank since any menial work would be difficult.  Note the colors.
  • DSC01383  Entrance to the Kom Ombo Temple.  One half was dedicated to Sobek, the crocodile god, the other half was dedicated to Horus.
  • DSC01387  Kom Ombo and the immediate surrounding.  Much of the temple complex has been destroyed by the Nile and earthquakes. (Panorama)
  • DSC01388  A heavily loaded cart of sugar cane.  Large loads of agricultural products were commonly seen on the roads.
  • DSC01391  The tractor pulling the cart looked like it was in pretty good shape.